Initializing the client

class aggcat.AggcatClient(consumer_key, consumer_secret, saml_identity_provider_id, customer_id, private_key, objectify=True, verify_ssl=True)

Intuit Customer Data API client

  • consumer_key (string) – The OAuth consumer key given on the Intuit application page
  • consumer_secret (string) – The OAuth consumer secret given on the Intuit application page
  • saml_identity_provider_id (string) – The SAML identitity provider id given on the Intuit application page
  • customer_id (integer) – It can be any integer. Try using the database primary key of a user in your system or some other unique identifier such as a guid. If you are just testing you can use whatever integer you want.
  • private_key (string) – The absolute path to the generated x509 private key
  • objectify (boolean) – (optional) Convert XML into pythonic object on every API call. Default: True
  • verify_ssl (boolean) – (optional) Verify SSL Certificate. See Known Issues. Default: True


Assuming you have an OAuth Consumer Key, Oauth Consumer Secret, SAML Identity Provider ID, and a path to the x509 certificates generated, you are ready to start querying:

from aggcat import AggcatClient

client = AggcatClient(


customer_id (Integer) It can be any integer. Try using the database primary key of a user in your system or some other unique identifier such as a guid. If you are just testing you can use whatever integer you want.

objectify (Boolean) This is a BETA functionality. It will objectify the XML returned from intuit into standard python objects so you don’t have to mess with XML. Default: True

Authorization & updating credentials

Getting credential fields

At some point in time you will need to allow a user to login to an institution so you can get their account information. get_credential_fields() is not part of Intuit’s API, but aids you in getting the fields you need to present in your UI layer.

To get credential fields use get_credential_fields(). It will give you the fields in a list format pre-ordered. It’s a precursor to discover_and_add_accounts()


Get a dictionary of fields required to login to a specific institution.

Parameters:institution_id (integer) – The institution’s id. See Searching for your institution.
Returns:list of credentials to present.
>>> client.get_credential_fields(100000)
>>> [{'description': 'Banking Userid',
      'displayFlag': 'true',
      'displayOrder': '1',
      'instructions': 'Enter banking userid (demo)',
      'mask': 'false',
      'name': 'Banking Userid',
      'status': 'Active',
      'valueLengthMax': '20',
      'valueLengthMin': '1'},
     {'description': 'Banking Password',
      'displayFlag': 'true',
      'displayOrder': '2',
      'instructions': 'Enter banking password (go)',
      'mask': 'true',
      'name': 'Banking Password',
      'status': 'Active',
      'valueLengthMax': '20',
      'valueLengthMin': '1'}]

The fields that are returned are already ordered by the displayOrder field. The name field goes into the html input tags name attribute. The mask field will let you know if it’s a password field. The list above might convert to this html:

<form method="POST" action="/login-to-bank/">
    <div>Enter banking userid (demo): <input type="text" name="Banking Userid" /></div>
    <div>Enter banking password (go): <input type="password" name="Banking Password" /></div>
    <input type="submit" value="Login to your bank" />

Authenticating and adding accounts

Once you have gathered the username and password for a specific institution you well need to discover_and_add_accounts(). This particular endpoint will either return a list of accounts if authentication works or return a list of challanges that need to be answered.

AggcatClient.discover_and_add_accounts(institution_id, **credentials)

Attempt to add the account with the credentials given



If a challenge response is not required it will look similar to the example below:

>>> client.get_credential_fields(100000)
>>> [{'description': 'Banking Userid',
      'displayFlag': 'true',
      'displayOrder': '1',
      'instructions': 'Enter banking userid (demo)',
      'mask': 'false',
      'name': 'Banking Userid',
      'status': 'Active',
      'valueLengthMax': '20',
      'valueLengthMin': '1'},
     {'description': 'Banking Password',
      'displayFlag': 'true',
      'displayOrder': '2',
      'instructions': 'Enter banking password (go)',
      'mask': 'true',
      'name': 'Banking Password',
      'status': 'Active',
      'valueLengthMax': '20',
      'valueLengthMin': '1'}]
>>> r = client.discover_and_add_accounts(100000, **{
    'Banking Userid': 'direct',
    'Banking Password': 'anyvalue',
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 201>
>>> r.content
<Accountlist object [<Creditaccount object @ 0x10d12d790>,<Loanaccount object @ 0x10d12d810> ...] @ 0x10d12d710>

If a challenge response is required we get a different result:

>>> r = client.discover_and_add_accounts(100000, **{
    'Banking Userid': 'direct',
    'Banking Password': 'anyvalue',
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 401>
>>> r.content
<Challenges object [<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d5d0>,<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d110> ...] @ 0x10d0ffc50>

Notice that r.content is now a Challenges object. Listing the challenges will give to the questions that must be asked to the user:

>>> for c in r.content:
        print c.text
Enter your first pet's name:
Enter your high school's name:

You might convert this into an html form

<form action="/login/confirm-challenge" method="POST>
    <div>Enter your first pet's name: <input type="text" name="response_1" /></div>
    <div>Enter your high school's name: <input type="text" name="response_2" /></div>

<input type="submit" value="Confirm Challenges" />

Responding to a challenge

If you attempted to authenticate and received back a Challenge response the you will need to answer that challenge by sending your responses to confirm_challenge()

AggcatClient.confirm_challenge(institution_id, challenge_session_id, challenge_node_id, responses)

Post challenge responses and add accounts

  • institution_id (integer) – The institution’s id. See Searching for your institution.
  • challenge_session_id (string) – The session id received from AggcatResponse.headers in discover_and_add_accounts()
  • challenge_node_id (string) – The session id received from AggcatResponse.headers in discover_and_add_accounts()
  • responses (list) – A list of responses, ex. [‘Cats Name’, ‘First High School’]

An AggcatReponse with attribute content being an AccountList

When using discover_and_add_accounts() you might get a challenge response:

>>> r = client.discover_and_add_accounts(100000, **{
    'Banking Userid': 'direct',
    'Banking Password': 'anyvalue',
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 401>
>>> r.content
<Challenges object [<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d5d0>,<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d110> ...] @ 0x10d0ffc50>
>>> r.headers
{'challengenodeid': '',
 'challengesessionid': 'c31c8a55-754e-4252-8212-b8143270f84f',
 'connection': 'close',
 'content-length': '275',
 'content-type': 'application/xml',
 'date': 'Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:15:42 GMT',
 'intuit_tid': 'e41418d4-7b77-401e-a158-12514b0d84e3',
 'server': 'Apache/2.2.22 (Unix)',
 'status': '401',
 'via': '1.1 ipp-gateway-ap02'}
  • The challenge_session_id parameter comes from r.headers['challengesessionid']
  • The challenge_node_id parameter comes from r.headers['challengenodeid']

Now confirm the challenge:

>>> challenge_session_id = r.headers['challengesessionid']
>>> challenge_node_id = r.headers['challengenodeid']
>>> responses = ['Black Cat', 'Meow High School']
>>> accounts = r.confirm_challenge(
>>> accounts
<AggCatResponse 201>
>>> accounts.content
<Accountlist object [<Creditaccount object @ 0x10d12d790>,<Loanaccount object @ 0x10d12d810> ...] @ 0x10d12d710>

Updating outdated login credentials

If you have changed your institution credentials you will need to let Intuit know that it needs to use new credentials. For example, let’s assume you have a Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase account and changed your password from the banking web site. At this point Intuit will need to be notified of this update.

AggcatClient.update_institution_login(institution_id, login_id, refresh=True, **credentials)

Update an instiutions login information

  • institution_id (integer) – The institution’s id. See Searching for your institution.
  • login_id (string) – Login id of the instiution. This can be retrieved from an account.
  • refresh (boolean) – (optional) Setting this to False will only update the credentials in intuit and will not query against the instituion. This might cause issues because some institutions require you to re-answer the challenge questions. Default: True
  • credentials (dict) – New credentials. See Authorization & updating credentials.

None if update is valid or AggcatResponse if challenge occurs.

If a challenge response does not occur:

>>> r = ac.update_institution_login(100000, 83850162, **{
        'Banking Userid': 'direct',
        'Banking Password': 'anyvalue'
>>> type(r)

If a challenge response occurs:

>>> r = ac.update_institution_login(100000, 83850162, **{
        'Banking Userid': 'tfa_choice',
        'Banking Password': 'anyvalue'
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 401>
>>> r.content
<Challenges object [<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d5d0>,<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d110> ...] @ 0x10d0ffc50>

Notice that r.content is now a Challenges object. Listing the challenges will give to the questions that must be asked to the user:

>>> for c in r.content:
        print c.text
Enter your first pet's name:
Enter your high school's name:

You might convert this into an html form

<form action="/login/confirm-challenge" method="POST>
    <div>Enter your first pet's name: <input type="text" name="response_1" /></div>
    <div>Enter your high school's name: <input type="text" name="response_2" /></div>

<input type="submit" value="Confirm Challenges" />

Updating outdated challenge responses

AggcatClient.update_challenge(login_id, challenge_session_id, challenge_node_id, responses, refresh=True)

Update an instiutions challenge information

  • login_id (string) – Login id of the instiution. This can be retrieved from an account.
  • challenge_session_id (string) – The session id received from AggcatResponse.headers in discover_and_add_accounts()
  • challenge_node_id (string) – The session id received from AggcatResponse.headers in discover_and_add_accounts()
  • responses (list) – A list of responses, ex. [‘Cats Name’, ‘First High School’]
  • refresh (boolean) – (optional) Setting this to False will only update the credentials in intuit and will not query against the instituion. This might cause issues because some institutions require you to re-answer the challenge questions. Default: True


When using update_institution_login() you might get a challenge response:

>>> r = client.update_institution_login(100000, 83850162, **{
    'Banking Userid': 'tfa_choice',
    'Banking Password': 'anyvalue',
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 401>
>>> r.content
<Challenges object [<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d5d0>,<Challenge object @ 0x10d12d110> ...] @ 0x10d0ffc50>
>>> r.headers
{'challengenodeid': '',
 'challengesessionid': 'c31c8a55-754e-4252-8212-b8143270f84f',
 'connection': 'close',
 'content-length': '275',
 'content-type': 'application/xml',
 'date': 'Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:15:42 GMT',
 'intuit_tid': 'e41418d4-7b77-401e-a158-12514b0d84e3',
 'server': 'Apache/2.2.22 (Unix)',
 'status': '401',
 'via': '1.1 ipp-gateway-ap02'}
  • The challenge_session_id parameter comes from r.headers['challengesessionid']
  • The challenge_node_id parameter comes from r.headers['challengenodeid']

Now update the challenge:

>>> challenge_session_id = r.headers['challengesessionid']
>>> challenge_node_id = r.headers['challengenodeid']
>>> responses = ['Black Cat', 'Meow High School']
>>> r.update_challenge(

Working with Institutions

Getting all Institutions


Get a list of financial instituions

>>> institutions = client.get_institutions()
>>> len(institutions)
>>> institutions[0].institution_name
'Carolina Foothills FCU Credit Card'


This call takes a very long time! Once you get your institution_id write it down so you don’t forget it. Saving the output using AggCatResponse.content.to_xml() is a good idea.

Searching for your institution

Currently finding an institution is somewhat of a manual process. Soon, there will be a helper method on the client that will have a better search. Patches welcome ;). This example searches for an institution that contains “chase” in any of the XML elements:

from aggcat import AggcatClient
from lxml import etree
from aggcat.utils import remove_namespaces

client = AggcatClient(

search_string = 'Chase'
institutions = client.get_institutions()

xml = etree.fromstring(institutions.content.to_xml())
xml = etree.fromstring(remove_namespaces(xml))

for element in xml.xpath('./institution[contains(., "chase")]'):
    id = element.xpath('./institutionId')[0].text
    name = element.xpath('./institutionName')[0].text
    print id, name
13278 JP Morgan Chase Bank
13640 Quicken Visa
14554 Chase Bank Credit Card (Amazon.com)
14910 Chase e-Funds Card
14777 Fox Chase Bank - Business Banking
13718 Fox Chase Bank
14484 Chevy Chase Bank - Web Cash Manager


This query will take a very long time depending on your internet connection. It returns 18000+ institutions in XML format. Sux :(

Getting Institution details


Get the details of a finanical institution

Parameters:institution_id (integer) – The institution’s id. See Searching for your institution.
>>> r = client.get_institution_details()
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 200>
>>> r.content
<Institutiondetail object @ 0x110371f50>
>>> r.content.institution_name
'JP Morgan Chase Bank'
>>> r.content.address.address1
'P O Box 36520'

Accounts & Account transactions

Here is the meat of the API. This is what you came for, the ability to aggregate your financials. Here be dragons or not. :)

Customer accounts


Get a list of all current customer accounts


This endpoint assumes that the customer accounts we are getting are for the one set in Initializing the client:

>>> r = ac.get_customer_accounts()
>>> r.content
<Accountlist object [<Investmentaccount object @ 0x1104779d0>,<Creditaccount object @ 0x110477d50> ...] @ 0x110477b10>
>>> for account in r.content:
        print account.account_nickname, account. account_number
My Retirement 0000000001
My Visa 4100007777
My Mortgage 1000000001
My Brokerage 0000000000
My Roth IRA 2000004444
My Savings 1000002222
My Line of Credit 8000006666
My CD 2000005555
My Auto Loan 8000008888
My Checking 1000001111


Attributes on accounts very depending on account type. See account reference in the Intuit documentation. Also note that when the XML gets objectified XML attributes like accountId get converted to account_id

Login Accounts


Get a list of account belonging to a login

Parameters:login_id (integer) – Login id of the instiution. This can be retrieved from an account.

You may have multiple logins. For example, a Fidelity Account and a Bank of America. This will allow you to get onlt the accounts for a specified login:

>>> client.get_login_accounts(83850162)
<AggCatResponse 200>
>>> r.content
<Accountlist object [<Investmentaccount object @ 0x1090c9bd0>,<Loanaccount object @ 0x1090c9890> ...] @ 0x1090c9b10>
>>> len(r.content)
>>> r.content[0]
<Investmentaccount object @ 0x1090c9bd0>


Attributes on accounts very depending on account type. See account reference in the Intuit documentation. Also note that when the XML gets objectified XML attributes like accountId get converted to account_id

Single Account Details


Get the details of an account

Parameters:account_id (integer) – the id of an account retrieved from get_login_accounts() or get_customer_accounts().
>>> r = client.get_account(400004540560)
<AggCatResponse 200>
>>> r.content
<Investmentaccount object @ 0x1091cfc10>
>>> r.content.account_id


Attributes on accounts very depending on type. See account reference in the Intuit documentation. Also note that when the XML gets objectified XML attributes like accountId get converted to account_id


This might hurt or be candy to your eyes depending on how good of a budgeter you are. heh!

AggcatClient.get_account_transactions(account_id, start_date, end_date=None)

Get specific account transactions from a date range

  • account_id (integer) – the id of an account retrieved from get_login_accounts() or get_customer_accounts().
  • start_date (string) – the date you want the transactions to start in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • end_date (string) – (optional) the date you want the transactions to end in the format YYYY-MM-DD


>>> r = ac.get_account_transactions(400004540560, '2013-08-10', '2013-08-12')
>>> r
<AggCatResponse 200>
>>> r.content
<Transactionlist object [<Investmenttransaction object @ 0x10a380710>,<Investmenttransaction object @ 0x10a380750> ...] @ 0x109ce8a50>
>>> len(r.content)
>>> for t in r.content:
        print t.id, t.description, t.total_amount, t.currency_type
400189790351 IRA debit 222 -8.1 USD
400190413930 IRA debit 224 -8.12 USD
400190413931 IRA credit 223 8.11 USD


Attributes on transactions very depending on transaction type. See transaction reference in the Intuit documentation. When the XML gets objectified XML attributes like totalAmount get converted to total_amount. This endpoint is not ordered by the date of transaction.

Pending transactions are unstable, the transaction id will change once the it has posted so it is difficult to correlate a once pending transaction with its posted one.

Investement Positions


Get the investment positions of an account

Parameters:account_id (integer) – the id of an account retrieved from get_login_accounts() or get_customer_accounts().
>>> r = client.get_investment_positions(400004540560)
<AggCatResponse 200>
>>> r.content
<Investmentpositions object @ 0x10a25ebd0>


This endpoint has needs to be tested with an account that actually returns data here

Updating Account Type

Certain banks do not present account types in any of the API data or data that comes back from screen scraping banks accounts without APIs. In those cases the account types are noted as “Other”. Most likely, you will know what the account actually is so you can update the type here.

AggcatClient.update_account_type(account_id, account_name, account_type)

Update an account’s type

  • account_id (integer) – the id of an account retrieved from get_login_accounts() or get_customer_accounts().
  • account_name (string) – See possible values for account names and types below
  • account_type (string) – See possible values for account names and types below


>>> client.update_account_type(400004540560, 'investment', '403b')

Possible values for account names and types

Name Types
banking checking, savings, moneymrkt, cd, cashmanagement, overdraft
credit creditcard, lineofcredit, other
loan loan, auto, commercial, constr, consumer, homeequity, military, mortgage, smb, student
investment taxable, 401k, brokerage, ira, 403b, keogh, trust, tda, simple, normal, sarsep, ugma, other

Deleting An Account


Delete an account

Parameters:account_id (integer) – the id of an account retrieved from get_login_accounts() or get_customer_accounts().
>>> r = client.delete_account(400004540560)

Deleting a customer


Delete the current customer



This deletes all information about the customer. You will have to re-authenticate and rediscover accounts. This endpoint assumes that the customer account getting deleted is the one set in Initializing the client. Once this endpoint has been called do not call any other endpoints with this customer because the system will automatically create them again!

>>> client.delete_customer()